Anxiety In The Elderly
Margarita Saplala Margarita Saplala

Anxiety In The Elderly

According to Harvard Medical School, anxiety is “one of the most common types of mental illness affecting people ages 60 and older.” Challenges that we all face as we age sometimes become the source of anguish and anxiety. From the decrease in our physical health to our financial stability these can all be contributing to your anxiety. Other common causes include chronic illnesses, trouble sleeping, and side effects from medication, all very common in between the senior community. 

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Margarita Saplala Margarita Saplala


On National Caregivers Day, We honor the caregivers across the country for their tireless work to make a true difference in the lives of many. Wether a caregiver is at your home around the clock or provides respite care, they are providing crucial care to our nations elderly. If you have a caregiver in your life, take a moment to let them know they are appreciated. Showing appreciation and gratitude to your caregivers or the caregiver of a loved one is a simple act, but can go a long way.

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Grow Old Golden Girls Style
Margarita Saplala Margarita Saplala

Grow Old Golden Girls Style

It is very important to have your peers around during these years. Enjoying friendships, old and new, is a great way to spend your golden years. To overcome the loneliness, sharing a home in the senior community has become increasingly popular. Remember the Golden Girls?

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Margarita Saplala Margarita Saplala


In the last couple of weeks, we have seen that major developments have been made towards a COVID vaccine. At least, three large pharmaceutical companies have announced successful tests and their approval seems to be just a couple of weeks away. In the UK, one company already got the approval from the government and vaccination should start soon.

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Where The Elderly Will Settle In Years Ahead…
Margarita Saplala Margarita Saplala

Where The Elderly Will Settle In Years Ahead…

Where do we want to live in the years ahead? Older adults are asking this question anew in light of the ongoing toll of the coronavirus pandemic — disrupted lives, social isolation, mounting deaths. Many are changing their minds.

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Can We Party Together?
Margarita Saplala Margarita Saplala

Can We Party Together?

After more than 6 months isolating and practicing social distance, more than 5 million Americans travelled to celebrate Thanksgiving with their families. Against all warnings, planes, trains and automobiles were packed and ready to go. Specialists predict a spike in COVID cases will happen, in early December, due to the beloved Holiday. Taking all that in consideration, Is there even a safe way to celebrate Christmas?

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